Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Lion Among Us

Look at this sweet kitty of ours. In an attempt to save $40 I started in on Vincent's Lion Cut last night. I didn't even have to fight him, he complied with my constant turning, buzzing and shaving. Ulla from PetCo is much better than I but I saved our family $40! I think that means I can go shopping at the local scrappy store. ha

Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Weekend

Emma and her fellow 4th grade strings were very impressive at the spring concert.

Don't think that it's serious business all the time when you play in the orchestra

The Yellow Jacket season premiere was on a cold Saturday morning. As I sat on the bleachers in my heavy coat wrapped up in a blanket I had a hard time believing just the day before I got a sunburn while playing in the park with Olivia.

BEFORE: note the ghetto counter tops. Not everyone could live with 3 different counter tops. ICK!!
Chris and FIL tearing apart the old.
AFTER!! There's still some work to be done, like the back splash but SO MUCH BETTER!
Love my new black sink and oil rubbed bronze faucet!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

3 Years 4 Months 19 Days

Today we are celebrating Olivia's One thousand Two Hundred Thirty-fifth day of life. I don't know if celebrating is the correct word but I had her pictures taken today. There were so many cute ones, I really had a hard time making a decision. My goal was to get a good close-up black and white picture for my wall. While I was there, I scheduled family pictures. We'll see how that goes.

I am a lover of lists. Usually my daily list is more than even my friend April could do...she can do more any other person I know!! There is power in marking off items. To be honest, sometimes I wonder what I did all day. Being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) is busy and time consuming but at the end of the day it can be challenging to "see" what tasks were completed. All that just to say, today I made a short list and completed everything. WooHoo! Tomorrow I will start fresh with a new list of chores. Some chores actually repeat from day to day...on a bad day I write them down, just so I have something to cross off. You know... wake up-check; feed the kids-check; workout-check. You get the idea. ha ha

My list today...
wash windows - check
scrub the floors - check...already dirty again. :(
get Liv's pictures taken - check
dinner in Lincoln - check
work out with April - check
Listen to Dave Ramsey - half check.

Big weekend her in town: Emma kicks off her softball season with games on Saturday and Monday. Thus begins the summer of bleacher butt for this mama! One other note worthy item, George Clooney will be here. Sounds like he's coming over for dinner Saturday night. The word is out, Chris' smoked meats are to die for.

Happy weekend to you all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who I Am

When I look in the mirror, who do I see,
Standing there staring back at me?

Is it someone I know who soars like a dove,
Or someone I feel not even God could love?

"What can I change?" I cry to myself,
To make me love ME... take ME off the shelf.

The answer comes simply and so amazingly true,
It's turning my life over completely to You.

Lord help me to love myself as I am,
The person for whom was given The Lamb.

Help me to grow, please loosen the chains,
Let me forget past sorrows and pains.

Teach me to accept the person You made,
Give guidance to know what will last and not fade.
(Belva Peden 1991)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today is a new day!

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day.
~ Lamentations 3:23, NLT

Sometimes I just need this reminder.

Have a great Tax Day!!! I have heard that some post offices are NOT staying open late tonight...budget issues. SO don't procrastinate!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Christ is Risen...He is Risen Indeed!Easter 2007
Easter Sunday is such a beautiful reminder of what is important in life. Yes, we colored eggs; we had Easter baskets waiting for the girls this morning; and we staged a fun little egg hunt in Nana's living room but the girls know the One we are celebrating. He has nothing to do with candy or bunnies laying eggs, which I might say is a very odd thought.

I have been a very bad blogger lately. This week was spring break which left me very little time to play on the computer.
#1Our family was blessed by being able to help our friends, Tim and Susan get ready for their move. It is my hope that God really wants us to stay right here in our comfy little house until the kids are grown, then they can help us move. It's just so much work to prep a house for sale.
#2We have also been working on our kitchen, I can't wait to share photos when it's completed. Any great comments on the purchase of a kitchen faucet? I need some direction!
#3Chris and Ryan-Dean finished dry-walling in the basement at Dean and Linda's (my in-laws).
#4The thing that has really rocked my world in the last 12 days has been the detox of sugar and flour from my system. Apparently, I was grumpy. :) I'm really not wondering because my mother-in-law informed me of that and Chris denies it. ha ha It was rough on all of us for about 3 days. Now I feel so much better.
As you can see, I have plenty of valid reasons to be a blog slacker.

Tomorrow after I have had several cups of Joe and a good start on my to-do list I will hopefully post some recent pictures. Until then, please say something kind to the one you love. It only takes a minute of your time and a smile. Why do we treat strangers better than the people we call family? If you've been hurt by them, pray about it and ask for strength. You may still hurt but the healing process will have begun!

A quick shout out to Val...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! See you tomorrow for lunch.