Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Suffocating, Stuggling, or Strong?

Life is amazing. With each passing day I have no idea what to expect. I made a very cool "to-do" list during a challenge at my favorite scrapbooking site www.scraplove.com So my controlling nature is to make a list and cross off each item. My list always seems to be longer than my day, which is OK. In fact, Reagan came home yesterday from school and said, "Mom, looks like you have 6 more things to do before you can go to bed." Nice huh? Wouldn't it be great if life went just as you planned it? Or would it? Gosh, I might miss out on some cool blessing that God had planned but I hadn't.

Today a good friend shares that she has a cancer that there is no cure for, yet. Wow! That wasn't on my list. I wasn't prepared for that. Why do these things happen? I don't know but I found a message in my inbox tonight that is perfect.

To anyone today who will die without ever trusting in Jesus Christ alone to save you, you are the ones to leave us suffocating in grief! We will know where you are, and we will never be together again. To those who die as believers but never had the courtesy or courage to make it clear that you knew the Lord, you will leave us struggling! We will not know where you are or to know if we will embrace you again. But to those who do know the Lord and we know that you know the Lord, you leave us grateful and strong! God’s people are the only ones who can really look a loved one in the eye and be able to say, "I’ll see you later!" So friend, how will you leave us when you hear God’s final call? Suffocating in despair? Struggling with doubts? Or strong in knowing that your destiny is with the Lord? It surely ought to matter to you! And it matters so much to those of us who are left behind.

Powerful words from my friend Chuck in Utah. Thanks Chuck, I needed that reminder. Life is bigger than me and my list or even my worries.

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