I hope you can see these pictures. I may haveto go back later and change the size of these pics. Below you will find Angie and John, married on May 31st. Each wedding that I attend takes me right back to the day Chris and I made that same commitment. I always cry during the vows and want to renew the vows we made. I'm such a sappy dope. You know, you don't have to agree! :) John, we are so happy to have you join our family. It's my prayer that you will feel welcome and loved. Take good care of our sister.

The carpet should be done in 2 hours. I have all the clothes packed and ready to move out of the inlaws house and into mine!!!
I'm so excited
I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control
And I think I like it.
mel...I don't know why you will be without internet for awhile but we sure will miss you!