Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Around the Lake

Good Morning. As of late, I have been so lazy. It's driving me crazy. This morning I got up, rode my bike down to the lake and along the path part way and then up hill ALL the way back. That last mile almost killed me. Everyone is showered, dressed, fed and playing barbies while I do the laundry. Ok, it's time for me to get on the ball. There's stuff to get done.

Today is the last day of Patriot Softball camp and the hubby will be home soon.

Have a fantastic day!


  1. Girl I am loving that you did that! I need to inflate the tires on my bike!

  2. omg. i could barely take the DOG out this morning i was so tired! wtg with the bike ride! impressive!

  3. Now if I could just keep it up.
