Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toothbrushing 101

I'm sure all of your children are diligent about brushing their teeth at least twice a day however at my house we have to remind again and again. I seriously can't believe that someone would FORGET to brush in the morning...eeewww! So gross!! I have a great quote from a dental professional, a friend from over at

Alicia writes:
Floss her teeth for her.............take the used floss and roll it up into a ball and have her smell it. Explain to her that her breath smells like that if she doesn't brush. Then wash your hands with some good antibacterial soap......cause used floss is gross.......
This is the gross thing I tell my patients age 7 and older that won't brush.There are bacteria bugs living in the plaque that grows on your teeth. They eat the sugar from the foods you chew and when they are full they poop out acid all over your teeth. This acid rots holes into your teeth and then I have to fix the holes. I save that for the kids that just won't listen any other works. Nobody wants poop in their mouth.

Ok, if that won't do it for you kiddos nothing will! I just read it to all 3 girls, we all decided to go brush right now in the middle of the day. Olivia wasn't as impressed, she said, "I don't have poop in my mouth!" rofl We all laughed!

My word for the day: floss

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