Friday, January 9, 2009

What a Day!

The morning started too early...waking before the sun thanks to my youngest darling. By the time I got the other two off to school Liv was not feeling well again so we headed right to the chiropractor. Before we even got to stop #2 I realized we needed to go right home and try to get in to the MD. Hurry up and wait. Call the doc and wait for the call back. Hurry to the doc office and wait in the waiting room. Hurry home and wait for the service man. Hurry to the pharmacist and wait for the prescription. Hurry to school and wait for the girls to walk down the block. Whew, what a day!

Olivia has been battling something off and on since December 27th. About the time I think she is better, she has another bout of something. Poor baby! As many (some or none) of you know, I don't run to the doctor for every sniffle and sneeze. Not even for a fever, usually. Today I had to get Liv in to a doc, the chiropractor just wasn't doing it for us this time. Not once did Liv say her ear hurt but guess what? DOUBLE EAR INFECTION! Ughh!! We saw a new doc and she is AWESOME! I loved our GI pediatrician but Dr Lisa is even better. We have the same philosophy on meds, vaccinations and chiropractors. I didn't know there was a MD out there that would fit our family so perfectly. Right now Liv is running around with her sisters, you'd never know she was a complete meltdown mess at 10am.

So the microwave died on Christmas morning. What a pain. I didn't think I used it much but in fact I do. Our service company came out Friday and then again today and the dumb thing is still not fixed. Hello!!! I think it's time to just replace it. While the guys were here they took a look at the numbers on my dishwasher and told me it's been recalled. Well, that's nice to know since apparently it could burn down the house. Guess we'll be washing dishes BY HAND for the next week or so. I think there's a teachable moment on it's way. Emma and Reagan will soon realize that loading and unloading the dishwasher is great compared to hand washing and drying everything. :) Aw, back to the good old days of fewer conveniences in the kitchen.

Anyone out there with stainless steel appliances? What's your opinion? Are the worth the extra money or should I just stick with black? I'm guessing since my stove and refrigerator are old and GE appliances they'll probably die soon too. Why not switch? Oh life is full of so many decisions.

It's Friday at 4:15pm and the family is all home. Farewell all my blog readers, I'm ready for some quality time with the ones I love.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry Liv is feeling bad but I think it is great to find a physician that has the same mindset as your family and most importantly listens to you! Hopefully she is on her way to recovery which sounds like she was. As far as appliance I love my stainless steel. Go for it!!
