Monday, December 28, 2009

Not a Holiday

Back to the grindstone, I think!
Christmas is over, New Years Eve is several days away and I'm not really sure what to do. The girls and Chris are home for Christmas Break but still the laundry needs to get done and everyone thinks they need to eat. It is an odd week. Honestly I thrive with a schedule. It is 1pm, only 2 loads of laundry have been started and my morning began about 2 hours late...which I did enjoy.

Chris is helping a friend of a friend move today, apparently they didn't know you are suppose to have everything (or almost everything) packed before the movers get there. The 2 older girls are jamming out on Rock Band...I think we need to find something with better words. The "baby" has a friend over to play. And I am gearing myself up to babysit 2 evenings a week. Yes, you heard that right.

Some of the Christmas decorations will come down this week. I love having my house filled with Christmas but ditching some of the clutter is much needed.

In the last few weeks I have heard several friends and family members comment on money issues. Let me plug Dave Ramsey for a second. If you live like no one else one day you will be able to live like no one else. Learning to live on a cash budget that you review every month is not a bad thing, just tell your money where to go don't let it control you.

You can catch Dave on tv and radio. Go to his site listed below and see if you really want to change the way you live or if you just want to complain about the stresses of your finances.

Enjoy your family while they are home this week because before you know it they will be grown up and out of the house. (I might be talking to myself right now!)

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