Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On My Knees

This message may ramble a little because I am so full of emotion right now and I need to let it out. There's your warning. :)

My heart is breaking. I actually feel an ache deep inside of me for my friend who has possibly been hurt in the name of religion or maybe just conservative christians. I don't know the past but I do know the description this person offers of evangelicals does not at all fit the description of Jesus Christ. So what has happened? What should I do? I want to defend my faith. I want to prove that I am not what this person thinks "we" are. I want to show the path that leads to life eternal is not full of ugly, uptight, bigots. However, it's not about me, it's about Jesus and His unfailing love.

Sitting here in my quiet family room I can "hear" an overwhelming voice telling me this, "Pray Pray Pray!" I know there's nothing I can do to change a person's heart. Praying hard but it is difficult when I'm being torn apart verbally.

Today's verse....
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD." Isaiah 55:8
So maybe I should allow God to take control of my friend's heart. :)

Thanks for letting me share my heart.


  1. Your friend will see Christ in you in the way you live your life. You are not critical, bigoted, narrow-minded. You are loving, accepting, yet firm in your beliefs. Just keep on being yourself around her, pray fervantly that you can plant a seed in her heart, and pray that others will come alongside to help her find the Lord. I'll be praying with you...

  2. Melanie,

    You are God's servant and you show that in all you do. Trusting in him when there is a problem seems easy, but hard sometimes as Christians. God will let you defend him with his words and actions. Praying is the best thing! I will pray for you my friend that he strengthens you and will use you even if it is difficult. Love to you Heather
