Thursday, May 6, 2010

Left Behind

Most certainly it's easier to leave than to be left behind.  In 1997 we left Nebraska after being married for only 6 mos and headed for the desert of Arizona.  The departure was not difficult, we were young and excited about our new life together in the Southwest.  About seven years later we returned to Nebraska as a family of four.  We left many friends in the desert and it was painful but life went on.  We kept in touch with a few close friends, all the while meeting amazing (and some not so amazing) people.  Then 2 years ago we made another move back to Omaha NE.  Slowly we are meeting good friends again, it takes time.  It hasn't been easy to leave friends like...well you know who you are but we have also been blessed with new people to "do life" with.  This week I find myself on the flip side of this story.  Instead of being the one to leave, I am being left behind.  It hurts!  It stinks! 

Since November I have prayed for God to do a work in the lives of my friends the Kirgans.  Doesn't it stink when God does just what you ask him to do?  ha  They are moving away and it hurts.  So what's the sliver lining?  The past year we have done life with the Kirgans.  Shared good and bad times.  We have laughed, cried, ate good food, prayed together and look forward to Disney World together.

I see God's hand all over this move so I will rejoice.  Just don't forget the little people left in Nebraska. 

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