Thursday, July 8, 2010

6 States in 2 Days

Spending time with my grandma (in-law) is always special to me and last week I had the opportunity to have some quality time with Grandma in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.  Too bad I didn't get a good picture of grandma and me on our 2 day drive.  I do however have a few photos to prove I had a some time away from the humidity and my family.
Eileen and I had a just a couple hours together.  I just love this girl!

This picture was taken just minutes before I was left out in the desert all by myself hoping a friend would pick me up.  Lucky for me I was able to pull my BIG RED SUITCASE into a Paradise Bakery.  It was cooler in there (vs 114 degrees outside) but rather embarrassing.  I looked like a bag lady.  :)
 Tammy: Dear Friend, Ribbon Addict, Kind Beyond Words, Ultimate Crafter
Our time together included pedicures, Chili's Chips and Salsa and a chick flick.  Loved it!

Vicki and I spent a wonderful afternoon together.  We already talk on the phone every week so it really wasn't a matter of "catching up" as much as finally just having face to face conversations.
Thanks Vicki for lunch!

Eric, Karen and Regina were able to squeeze me into their schedule.  My niece really is a beautiful girl growing quickly into a woman.  YIKES!!!  I tried to make friends with the dog again but I'm sure if he had a chance he'd eat me for dinner any day of the week.  :)  Hope they are having a great family vacation this week.

Early dinner in Mesa with Grandma, Special Friend Bob, Shelly and Camille.
Look how serious Grandma looks here...not the norm, especially when Bob is around.
We managed to squeeze in a day at IKEA.  Love that place!!!

You might be asking who that guy is in the cockpit of the southwest airplane.  Oh just the gentleman assigned to do repairs to our aircraft AFTER they loaded us all on that tiny little tube with wings.  UGH!!!  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind my flight leaving late when there's a repair to be done but is it really necessary to make us all cram in there for an extra hour.  For the first time ever, I got anxious and claustrophobic on the plane.  The 4 year old boy in front of me asked every 5 minutes if we were moving yet.  It was cute until I started to internally freak out.  The bad thing, these days you can't run off the plane because they assume your luggage down below may have a bomb in it.  I couldn't show my stress, instead I chewed 15 pieces of gum.

By the time I was packing my suitcase to head back to Omaha, I was ready and yet I didn't have enough time to see everyone that I wanted to see.


  1. What part of Texas were you in? If you're ever near D/FW, I'd love to see you!
    Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Rhonda, we just drove through. Spent the night in a below par hotel in Amarillo. :)
