Friday, August 20, 2010

A blog from my friend Vicki....

 I know Vicki reads my blog so she can stop right here.  :)  This is really for anyone else.  I loved what Vicki wrote yesterday and just had to share it with my readers.  Hmm, I think there are more than one.  ha 

I know God is a big God, he's amazing, all knowing, loving, just... the list goes on.  And on top of all that, He knows me personally.  I LOVE THAT!  Have a great day

As of 10:17 am on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 the population of the US was 310,023,002. The population of the world was 6,863,174,350. Boggles the mind, doesn't it? If you really want to blow your mind think of this, God knows the most minute details of each of those 6,863,174,350 lives. He knows each name. He knows the spiritual condition of each person. He knows their needs, even when they haven't talked to Him about them. He knows the future of each and every person on our planet. He's known all of that for each person since time began. He knows all of it for each person yet to come.

This what I've been thinking about lately as I pray for the people on my prayer list. I can't even imagine how many people are praying at the same time that I am. I can't imagine how many people might be praying for the same person I'm praying for. And I can't fathom what it sounds like in God's ears.

To my ears it would be a jumble. A babble of indistinct voices whispering, talking, crying, pleading, shouting, praising in a variety of languages. But I believe that to God, it's beautiful like music. I believe He can distinguish each voice, indeed, He recognizes each voice. He welcomes hearing each voice... after all, these are the voices of His creation.

For some reason these thoughts have added a new dimension to my prayer life. As I prepare to pray now, I envision God leaning forward expectantly, waiting to hear what I have to say. Waiting to hear if my prayer is all me, me, me, or if I have the needs of others on my heart. Anticipating this action from Him, causes me to lean forward a little, waiting to hear His voice, waiting for His presence to calm me, reassure me, strengthen me to the day ahead.

As I get ready to publish this post it is 6:54 am on Thursday, 8/19/10. The US population is 310,030,273. The world population is 6,863,353,548. And God knows the smallest detail of each of those lives...

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