Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Cleanse

First let me say, it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It would be excellent if I could have a cup of coffee and maybe one piece of cheese this month.

I decided to take part in a 28-day cleanse.  The first week I started out by eating only clean food.  Eating as much raw food as possible, no processed foods, no dairy, no gluten, only lean meats (obviously not raw), no peanuts, low sugar and organic when I can afford it.  Some of these things are already in our family diet.  The great thing about this is introducing new foods to the family.  So far the kids have liked everything I have made. (Yes, they are still eating pizza etc)

Standard Process is an excellent brand of food supplements that we have taken for over a year.  Naturally I am doing their product for the one week cleanse.  It's a lot of pills three times a day.

Here are a couple positives:  I have more energy already.  I have lost a few pounds.  It feels good to be doing something for myself.

My goal is to be healthier; rid my body of nasty toxins.  This isn't to see the scale read a lower number even though I need to be working on that.  When I eat right it makes me more interested in working out consistently and the next thing I know I'm a better person to be around.  One more benefit:  I read that the colon can store from 5-25 pounds of waste.  Well that would be a great way to drop 25 pounds quick.  ha ha 

My eating has not been 100% right but I'm trying.

At the end of 28 days I will slowly introduce each food back into my diet to see if there are adverse reactions.  Gluten, peanuts, soy and dairy are some of the most frequent allergens in our foods.  Most people don't even realize the inflammation that is going on within that causes aches, pains and illnesses.  If I can avoid those foods that don't agree with me, I'm all over that. The bible tells us that our bodies are the temple of God.  Why do I allow trash in the temple?

To be honest, I don't even know what day is my last.  You can be sure I will be posting an update later this month.

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