Friday, September 10, 2010

Change Your World

"And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.  Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."  I Thessalonians 5:14-15

This verse and a few others have been in my thoughts each day this week.  I love Random Acts of Kindness but this verse goes beyond a few nice things we can do.  These words from the bible could radically change the world if only people (not even everyone) would embrace the idea of being kind, encouraging, helping the weak and practicing patience.  I'll be honest, that last one really gets me.

When God tries to get my attention, it seems that He comes at me from several avenues.  First, our church has started a campaign called "Double Your Impact." Basically, our church leadership feels a call from God to keep doing what we have been doing but BIGGER!  So I have prayerfully been asking "what does this mean for me?"  I want to meet the needs of others.  I want to show love.  I want to make a difference.  Yes, God uses me as His hands and feet for my family and some times those around me but I'm ready to step out in faith and do something big.

Secondly, I started reading Debbie Macombers "One Simple Act."
She is rocking my world and I love it.

Thirdly, I started a bible study on Tuesday mornings with bunch of ladies from church by Priscilla Shirer.
 Being a big fan of Beth Moore I was reluctant to join this study but already in week #2 I have been challenged and blessed by what Priscilla Shirer shares in both the videos and daily study.

See, God doesn't mess around with me.  He knows if there is a mission He can't beat around the bush. So I am excited to see where this takes me and a little afraid too.  I know the Creator of the universe cares about the smallest of details and won't take me somewhere that He hasn't already equiped me to go but a road map to get there would be nice.  :)

This is a random smattering of thoughts that are not well planned out rather iy is a window into my heart.  I pray that fear does not take over when I am presented with an opportunity to brighten my little spot of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Melanie,

    I love reading your posts. I will have to check out Debbie Macomber One simple act. I ask myself a lot of the same questions that you posted about, what can I do more, what can I give more of, etc etc.I need to prayfully consider these questions. Hope your Fall is off to a great start.
