Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do Versus Done

My evening has been filled with thoughts of these two words.  Here's what Merriam-Webster says:
 to bring to pass : carry out

 perform, execute b : commit

 to bring to an end : finish —used in the past participle

 to put forth : exert

past participle of do

Oh I'm sure we all know the definition of these two words but I wanted to fill space in this post.  (Just wanted to see if you are really reading)  ha  I know a better way to contrast these two words. Christianity versus any other religion in the world!  Just to list a couple well known religions: Jehovah Witness...gotta do works for salvation. Mormon...gotta do works for salvation. Muslim...gotta do works. Seventh Day Adventist...gotta do works.  All the cults...gotta do works. Your after life is based on what you DO in this life. The Christian faith is the only one in which it has already been DONE for you.  Here's the big plan...You accept Christ as your savior and BAM! you have a secure spot in heaven.  Sound easy, it is! Christ did the hard part when he took the beatings, hung on the cross and died on Calvary. 
There are things in this life that have been left up to me to, cleaning, carpool. Possibly I have gotten so use to that role that from time to time I forget that I am not in control of everything. When others have strong opinions about me or my loved ones, I also have to remember they aren't in control of me or my salvation.  They didn't DO the hard work. If I do the best I can to love and serve my God it doesn't matter what Joe Schmo thinks about me or my ability to love and serve God. We serve a powerful God.  A loving God. He would never put Betty Homemaker across the street or Bobby the Boss Man in charge of our eternity. Now that's something you can take to the bank.
Chris and I have pulled through a rough couple of weeks. Trials are worth it if you learn something new about your relationship with God. He didn't make this happen but He allowed it to happen. He didn't call us to do his work because we were already equipped but He is continually equipping us to do His work. Satan wants nothing more than to distroy relationships.  Focusing on what you have to DO can distract from what has already been DONE.
Now go out and be a blessing today! (not because you have to but because you want to!)

You can find the verse of the day on the right side of this blog.  Today just happened to be this verse.
Hebrews 10:30-31
30For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[a] and again, "The Lord will judge his people."[b] 31It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

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