Saturday, October 2, 2010

Smores Galore

I love this picture!
  Fall...everything about it warms my heart.  The colors are breath-taking, the cooler temps are so welcome after months of heat and humidity and breaking out the fire pit for smores is a great family activity.

Really Chris, do they need to be on fire?

No you won't find of picture of me eating a smore...don't like them.  I enjoy sitting around the fire and watching the kids get covered in melted marshmallow and chocolate but that's where it ends for me.  Tonight however, I did eat a couple apple slices with a piece of dark chocolate.  Now that was yummy and in my mind somewhat healthy.  Really I can justify about anything.


  1. Love the new photo of pumpkins on your header. I don't like s'mores either... probably because I don't like marshmallows at all!! Guess that's why I was a failure as a girl scout...

  2. ha Vicki,
    I had apple slices with dark that is yummy!
