Thursday, November 4, 2010

So Thankful

I grew up in a family that attended church almost every Sunday.  As a child I was proud of my near to perfect Sunday school attendance record.  I sang in the choir, learned my bible verses (usually cheated with the help of my partner in crime Abbey), was baptized and went through confirmation in middle school however it wasn't until I was married and living in Arizona that I learned what a relationship with Christ looked like.  Our new church was intentional about 1. Winning People to Christ 2. Training People 3. Sending Disciples out to spread the Gospel.  Chris and I began to realize that if we wanted to tell others about our Loving Creator we really needed to understand the love letter He gave us...the bible.

After years of bible studies I know I have grown closer to the Lord.  It's my prayer that I will never take my faith for granted and will always have a thirst to know more.  My greatest desire is to be more like Jesus, our King and Savior.  I want to see others as He sees them.  I want to love others as He loves them.

Thank you God for sending your perfect Son to live amongst us and while we were still sinners die for us so that we will one day live eternally with our Father in Heaven.

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