I know I have blogged about Random Acts of Kindness in the past, infact I have a list of 25 Random Facts on my facebook page that also comments on my love for RAK. There are many things that make the "world go 'round", I believe one of them is the practice of RAK. Just a simple note, hug, gift or kind word can change a person's entire day and when passed on to the next person the simple act is multiplied. There are certainly people who are not Christians who partake in this practice however I know it is God who tugs at my heart when I suddenly decide to pay for a stranger's cup of coffee or offer to pray for a guy's wife in the elevator at the hospital. Every time I listen to that tug, I am grateful that I have a personal relationship with a Savior who cares about people so much that He knows it's the small details like a hug that can change the world.
The last two weeks have been not only physically exhausting but mentally draining as well. Each and every day I have tried to find a silver lining, some days are easier than others. A few days ago a friend from several years ago surprised me with a RAK in the form of a Barnes and Noble gift card. How cool is that? This was a complete unexpected surprise...just what the doctor ordered.
I am thankful for precious people who listen to that tug from God
I love RAK. Thanks for the little reminder. I have received this and have done this many times and I feel God tugging at me to do something more each time. I think about what if we give in the way that he has given so much to us, being selfless all the time. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy your Sunday and have an amazing Thanksgiving!!!