Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Hangover

That's the only way I can explain it. Two days after the big holiday and I have a headache to top all headaches.  It's not just the holiday it's all the extras that a person either deals with or lets build up stress, here are a few of those things:  staying up way too late, eating too much junk food, no exercise, company, the stress of hoping everyone is pleased with their gifts, hanging out with sick people, dealing with unpleasant people, crazy traffic, too much all adds up to one big hangover type of headache.  I don't want to imply that our Christmas was bad. There's just lots going on this time of year and when everything finally dies down it leaves my head pounding.

I tried all kinds of things to feel better today, you know the usual...
lots of water
shopping with a dear friend
lunch out
ignoring my phone calls
but then finally I hit happy hour with some girlfriends.  I think nachos, a margarita and some girl talk did the trick. 

May you all enjoy the days after Christmas as much as the days leading up to the birth of Christ.  I urge you to remember why we celebrate December 25th.  It's 363 days until Christmas 2011...plan ahead in order to avoid the pre-christmas headache.

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