Thursday, January 6, 2011

Praying for Our Community

Yesterday was a rough day in our school district.  A senseless tragedy happened at our local high school which resulted in the end of two individuals lives and another person injured not to over look the mulititudes of people this has affected emotionally.

Today during my morning prayer time I remember how thankful I am that my husband and children are safe and will spend another day here on earth with me.  That is my selfish part because I know if one of them were to pass they would instantly be sitting with Jesus.  I'm just not ready to let go of them.  :)

Healing will come, for some ever so slowly.  I ask you to pray for the families of all involved including the shooter's family.  I don't know what would have driven a bright young man to make such a tradgic decision but I do know his mom and dad are mourning his death and his actions today.

Let me take this moment to ask you, if today happens to be your last day on Earth do you know with complete certainity what your eternity will be?  There are only two options:  a life with God in Heaven or eternal damnation in Hell.  It's not a matter of being good enough.  All you need to do is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.  Jesus is God's son who was sent from Heaven to live a fully human life but without sin.  He took on the sins of the world so that we could have a relationship with His father.  His death on the cross was punishment for my sins and your sins.  Then something happened that has not happened to ANY other religious figure in all of history, Jesus was resurrected, raised from the dead and now sits with His Father in Heaven. 
If you have questions about what I have written, please ask.  I am happy to talk to you. 

Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit.  Psalms 51:12 NIV

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