Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yikes...I'm Late

Verse #6

Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.  Psalm 14:31 (NIV)

This scripture challenge on Beth Moore's Blog is to be updated the 1st and 15th of the month.  I guess I'm late this month because I did not work on my verse much the past 2 weeks.  So I am starting fresh today, no reason to fret over what I didn't get done.

Our church is in the middle of our Global Summit.  It's a week when we invite in our missionary teams in to talk about their ministry.  It's a great learning time.  Last night our family went through "Project Experience" which was an interactive museum dealing with the struggles of every day life for many people in third world countries.  As an example, we had an opportunity to carry jugs of water (40 lbs each) just like they do in Africa if they are lucky enough to find clean water within 5 miles.  Can you imagine doing that every day?

Anyway, I saw this verse last night and it really spoke to me.  I have so much and usually want more when there are so many who do not have the minimums.  It's not that we should feel guilty but we should be moved to help others.

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