Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Week

Easter week . Holy week . Chocolate Bunnies . Spring break
The week that Christ was tortured, hung on a cross, buried and resurrected means different things to different people.  Our family enjoys the fun part of easter.  Below you will see our peep wreath, eggs that we colored with traditional dye and also silk dyed.  And when I get the pictures from Nana you'll also see the easter egg hunt.  What you won't see is pictures of us in church celebrating Christ's death and resurrection but that side of easter is what means the most to us.

My verse for Beth Moore's scripture challenge is all about the Easter good news:

For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only son
that who ever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eterntal life.
John 3:16

 Emma's final 6th grade orchestra concert was this week.  I was so disappointed when I realized that my camera battery was very low.  However to my great surprise I was able to take several pictures and video 2 songs including Emma's duet.  YAY!  The camera shut off and I was pleased.  Oh no, they weren't done...
Emma was then given "The Outstanding Musician" award...

I had to capture Reagan, Olivia and friend on their DS waiting for the concert to start.  No, I didn't let them play video games during the orchestra concert.  :)

The only good use for peeps...turn them into art. 
 The girls and I had lots of fun making this colorful wreath for our front door.
Silk Dyed Easter Eggs
I found this link at Our Best Bites If you are not familiar with that site, they have some very creative and fun holiday activities.  I can't wait to make the multicolored cup cakes but I will be using natural dyes instead of artificial dyes.  I care too much about my families health to load them up with all that junk.
By the way, no we did not eat these eggs.

My girls are creative egg decorators. 

Mom and My Beautiful girls.

Visiting Aunt Delma before going to church on Saturday night.

Easter Baskets


  1. Your family looks great! The girls are growing up way too fast.

  2. Love, love, LOVE that peeps wreath! What a great idea!
