Summer is a funny creature in the Raabe house.
Chris and I are both "unemployed" for two months
but that opens us up to be the people who can help
in any situation because we "don't have anything
better to do." :)
Don't get me wrong, I love being available to
watch a friend's child last minute or pick them up
for a game or camp but as you can guess, it can be
difficult to draw a line. Some people call it having
B O U N D A R I E S!
Most mornings Chris is helping out with a softball or
writing camp. That's my opportunity to sit with my
coffee and bible/book for reflection and prayer.
I love waking slowly. About 9:30 I realize I've
gotta get in gear or the day will pass me by.
The afternoons are filled with errands, chores, family
time and sometimes a nap (not for me).
Evening is a whole other beast! Kids have games
and practices; neighborhood friends are over; BBQs.
I don't mean just one of those things is going on,
occasionally all of them are going on the same day. :)
(Oh did I mention all night security too?)
For some people this would mean planning, being prepared
and always ready for the next event. NOT ME! I do have
a calendar with every event listed but I don't want to
anything else. If I am going to do something extra it's
going to be "last minute." It does sound better to call it
S P O N T A N E O U S.
So even tho I want to know what's going on, I don't
want to schedule a play date for crying out loud.
Tonight I did plan ahead just a little. We were again invited
to spend Independence Day with some dear friends. The men
blow up everything they can find while the women sit back
and pray. I like to do food with a certain level of excitement
for holidays. I found this idea on
All the cupcakes were going to be red, white and blue until
little Olivia put in her 2 cents worth. We also have rainbow
cupcakes. And wouldn't you know...I had to take a picture.
Frosting will come later, I'm just so happy to be mostly
done with one of the foods I will be taking to the
F a b u l o u s F o l e y F o u r t h !
disclaimer: I did not take time to buy healthy food dyes.
These are Wilton. They do a great job and won't kill
anyone but certainly, not the best thing for growing kids.
Happy July 4th!
Please remember our military men and women. Pray for
their safety, their families left behind and that God will
continue to do a work in their lives.
Your cupcakes look yummy! Happy Independence Day...