Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trash or Treasure

Haven't we all heard the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure"? 

I have as mixture of both in my unit, garage, basement and family room.  Some of it was treasured by my Aunt Delma and some of it I doubt she knew she still possessed.  I have found receipts from 1937, letters from grandpa to his mother saying, "oh by the way, Lola and I got married", as well as ugly christmas ornaments and every "interesting" article from 1985 to present. 

So far the girls still really enjoy shreadding.  I question how long before the motor on the shreadder is burned out.  There's a rule in the house right now...if you are watching tv, you are feeding the shreading!

This is my garage...a mess of treasure.
It hasn't been a big deal until last week when Omaha had softball sized hail at the airport.  We were trying to decide which vehicle we could do without.  Praise God!  No hail in Millard.  However, winter will be here before we know it...gotta clear out all this treasure before snow falls.

I do want to share as much of these treasures with all those who loved Aunt Delma but there will come a time when it's all going to be donated to the Lydia House. 

Calling all family members...come get your treasures.

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