Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mean Money???

To quote Oprah, not because I hang on her every word but because I like this and can see some truth in it.

Money isn't good or bad.  Money doesn't change makes you more of who you already are.

Can I hear an "amen" to that? 

Right off the top of my head I can't think of an exception to that rule but I could list several names (I won't) that prove the above statement.

I don't need pity or even a pat on the back but I do want to say...

S T O P   B E I N G   M E A N ! !

Sure, if the quote above is true, I guess they can't help it.  They were mean all along.

I just needed to vent. 


  1. Ok, well I'm feeling paranoid since I just got off the phone with you. But since I don't HAVE any money, I guess you don't mean me (I hope).
