Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankful for...

I started keeping a gratitude journal about a year ago.
There are days that I am down in the dumps and feel like nothing
is going right.  All it takes to change my attitude is to look through
that journal.  How embarrassing it is to think that for one minute
I can feel anything but gratitude for the many many blessings in my life.

November is here and what better time than this to highlight some of those
blessings I journal about.  Keep in mind, these are in no particular order.

I was very excited when Chris asked me to help him pull vocabulary words from his manuscript for the teacher resource section on his website.  Most of my involvement with his novel has been holding down the fort so he could write or doing research.  This was a fun activity for me.

I know there have been years in the past that snow came in October, so November 2nd isn't that bad but I was very grateful to see the snow go away as quickly as it came.  So I was thankful for the beautiful scene and the warmer temps on the 3rd.

Emma loves music whether she is singing, dancing, playing her cello or just listening to the radio.

Not only did God give me a wonderful husband but He also gave me a man who loves his children and is willing to support them in whatever they do.  He even took a day off of work to spend at their elementary school (totally out of his comfort zone).
When I first told Olivia I had signed her up for basketball camp (one hour on 5 Saturday mornings) she firmly told me she was NOT going to go.  I talked her into going just once and then she loved it!

All three of our children are healthy and active.  What a blessing it is to watch them grow.
The girls eat well, exercise through play and have a healthy spiritual life.  Thank you God!

Today is the first day of Chris' birthday week which makes me remember all the nice things he did for my birthday last month.  (Again, he's a great guy!) So today my mouth waters as I look at this picture...I am thankful for yummy carrot cake.  I wish I had some hidden in the frig.  I guess I'll have to settle for a carrot instead.

It's easy to dwell on what isn't going right.
Sometimes I'm a Debbie Downer...I just hate that!
Today I chose to remember the blessings and give thanks for all I have.

1 comment:

  1. Sunny was on my lap as I was reading your post. When she saw the candle she said "look grammy, happy day!" and then started blowing at the candle. haha Enjoyed reading about your blessings!
