Friday, February 24, 2012

Family Matters

This is a post with lots of family pictures from Chris' side.
Some are Raabes (Robbie). Some are Raabe ( Some are Pawluk
I grew up in a good family and I am grateful for the experiences I had which have shaped me into the woman, wife and mother I am today. I remember many trips to grandma and grandpa's house in little Garfield and as well as trips to Hutchinson to see grandma and Aunt Delma. It was a 3 hour drive so we usually left early Sunday morning and got home late that same night. What I didn't experience was spending time with extended family.
Our girls regularly see grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and family member we don't really even know how they fit in. Something like a second cousin once removed inlaw. ha ha It's GREAT!
My girls with Great Grandma. What a treasure!!
Meet Stephen...the newest member of the family.
Stephen is trying to remove an arrow from the wall in Dean and Linda's backyard. Apparently Chris' bow is pretty powerful and Stephen's aim is a little off. Ha ha We welcome you!

Chris' family Christmas weekend

Nana and Papa with our girls on Easter

Annual Raabe Family Reunion
Gift time for the little kids. Some years it's a christmas theme, this year it was an Easter theme. Aunt Helen loves to buy gifts for all the great nieces and nephews.

Cousin Erica got hitched to her German beau, Fritz this summer in North Dakota.
We weren't able to attend. (so sad)

Again, Stephen with my fantastic sister in law
We now have Holly and Stephen in the metro area...more family.
Thanks Holly for the time you put into our girls, they love you dearly!

I love this little guy.
Sometime when Kelly drops him off I just might keep him.

Another Raabe ( family reunion

This covers both my family and Chris'.
What is amazing about this event is that Chris' aunt and cousin traveled 5 hours to Hutchinson, KS to help us pack up and move Aunt Delma to Nebraska. What a servant's heart!
I big shout out to my cousin Marianne and her sweet daughter Rachel from Seattle.

The July 4th North Dakota family reunion comes around every 5 years.
These are Minnesota cousins with their kids and our 3 girls.

Linda (mother-in-law) with her mom and 3 of her 6 siblings.

Family support!
Reagan played in a KC soccer tourney in January. What a lucky girl to have 2 aunts and 2 uncles come cheer her on as they took first place in the 3 day event.
Back in the day, families were not so spread out. They lived close to one another (sometimes LIVED together and I am not in favor of that. ha ha) and helped raise the next generation. I have heard "it takes a village" to raise a family and I fully agree.
Thank you to the family and friends who have come along side Chris and me to help build a strong and loving family.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of a terrific (and big) family! It's so cool when families are big... there's always someone to talk to!
