Wednesday, April 11, 2012


She might have been tricked!
Simply because a friend talked her into going to the track meeting one day after school and then lied to her saying "if you do hurdles, you don't have to run much" Emma is now a trackster.  I'm so proud of you E, for trying something new and so far out of your comfort zone!

The whole idea of Emma running at all is so foreign!  I believe my mouth dropped open and just hung that way for a good five minutes when E came home from school with the news that she was on the track team.  Don't let her long slender build or long legs fool you into thinking she's a runner.  Her strong dislike of running, sweating and physical exertion has prevented her (to this point) from running unless it's to be first in line at dinner time.
 Emma's first track meet
I believe she came in 3rd or 4th in hurdles.
Aw, a girl after my own heart...running the 100m dash.
Third place is a great job, Emma.
She also ran in the 200m dash and did well in that race too.

In middle school I ran the 75m and 100m dashes as well as doing the long jump.
Not to toot my own horn but I was pretty successful until I hit my sophomore or junior year of high school.  So sad when you are all dried up at the ripe age of 16 or 17. 

Five more meets in Emma's 7th grade running career.  I hope she can continue to improve her personal best and maybe even develop a love for this new activity in her life.

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