I am THANKFUL for that cute baseball player I met 19 years ago. Through years of dating we became best friends and vowed to love one another until death do us part...the best decision of my life. Our life together is not perfect but with Christ as our cornerstone we can do all things.
(11.4) I am THANKFUL for the 3 blond haired blessings God sent from heaven to our family. Each little girl created in our maker's image with our DNA and yet such individuals. I love each of you dearly!
This month's series of posts will be so good for me. I am so blessed, I wish I would never lose sight of that fact!
I am THANKFUL for family. The people who I spent my formative years with have helped shape me into the person I am today. I am also so thankful for Chris' family. He was raised in a very loving, supportive family which has helped him become the strong Christian family man he is today.
(11.6) I am THANKFUL to live in a country of freedoms, many that we typically take for granted. I voted today while most people in this world do not have that right.
ADDITION: I am not especially pleased with the results of the presidential election however this country is not a dictatorship, it takes more than one person to make the United States function. I will pray for President Obama, his advisors and our legislature. The sun came up this morning and God is still in control. I will not lose faith in God's ability to work through any elected official!
(11.7) I am THANKFUL for the life and love of my Aunt Delma. We did not always agree but she encouraged me to research, form an opinion and stand for what I believe in. Aunt Delma believed in me and was interested in me and my family. Today there are so many things I wish I could share with Aunt Delma. The last year of her life was difficult for both of us and yet I know she was happy to be close to people who loved her and wanted to care for her. It was an honor and pleasure to be with her in the last moments of her life on Earth. I miss Aunt Delma but know I will see her again in heaven.
(11.8) I am THANKFUL for a coffee pot that turns on automatically, oh the joy of walking downstairs to the aroma of brewing coffee. Sometimes it's the small things in life!
I'm enjoying your "thankful" posts!