Friday, January 4, 2013

Post Christmas Crash

The kids went back to school
The hubby went back to work
The house is moderately clean
I have so much to get done


I love having my family home during Christmas vacation, spring break and summer. This Christmas our break  was only ten days so it flew by. I didn't even have the opportunity to get tired of everyone being here. (I hate to admit it but that usually happens the last day.) Now that everyone is gone, I really want to take a day to veg out and watch movies by myself. Instead, I have been trying to get stuff done but find myself getting easily distracted and not accomplishing the things on my list. I have all the signs of "Post-Christmas Crash." Oh it's a made up name but it is still a real thing.

With that said, I am logging off and setting my timer (fly lady) so I can get two things checked off my list before lunch. I will then feel like something was accomplished today.

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