Monday, December 29, 2014

The F word of the Holidays

I'm not going to write about all these things but they all played a part in our Christmas celebration. We had a full house for five days. Wow, there's two more F words.
The Pearsons
The Raabes
My family got here on Christmas Eve right before services at church. Year after year our church pulls off a wonderful service that is both entertaining and filled with the gospel message. Jesus came to save us. He wiped our sin stained heart clean. Amen!

After church we had homemade lasagna that met everyone's special dietary needs and then opened one gift, the jammies. Chris got some Santa boxers but didn't really want me to take his picture and post it. Ha
Christmas PJ tradition
Chris reading the Christmas story before opening gifts
After one year of crazy Christmas travels we decided we would always be home Christmas morning. I would cave on that if were we in some tropical location as a family, hanging by the pool Christmas morning would be really nice! I made Christmas breakfast and then the wrapping paper began to fly. I'm a gift person which means I like getting gifts but really enjoy watching my kids' faces light up when they open the thing they hoped and wished for all month long.
Probably her favorite gift
So excited but it's damaged
Compound Bow
A soccer goal to share
Following present time I was back in the kitchen prepping for other family to arrive. We had 17 people here for a soup lunch and way too many snacks. Yum!

Over the next several days my parents and brother hung out at our house. Finally last night my oldest brother and his wife drove up from KC. It did my heart good to see them and I look forward to May when we see them again. After some much needed downtime today I am ready to go out and have fun with Chris and the girls tomorrow.

In just a few short days we will be celebrating a new year. I know it's a time of resolutions that we seldom carry out. Today I am pondering what things I want to improve. Are there people in my life who are not safe? How can I be an instrument of change and not a victim of circumstances? Do I let the negative impact me or do I shine the light Christ put inside me? Prayerfully looking for the answers to these thoughts.

Happy New Year & A Blessed 2015!

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