I love parties!
I love birthdays!
I love my friend Danielle!
What a privilege it was to celebrate another year of life with my dear sweet friend Danielle. As the party kicked off, we went around the room sharing something special about this amazing woman. The stories nearly brought me to tears. I knew only 2 other women of the 20 sitting in the living room but each of us told a story that described a lady full of strength, love, compassion, fun and spirit of God. Another highlight of the party was eating the best ever homemade chocolate cake!
Seven years ago on crisp Halloween night our families ended up at the same party. We talked and laughed as we followed our little ones from house to house asking for candy from strangers. I was hoping for almond joys, not sure if I got any. I don't believe I saw her again until several months later when I offered to bring her dinner after she had a baby. Is that weird? Maybe but I like do that for new moms. From there I don't know when we moved from being acquaintances to friends but I thank God for putting Danielle in my life. This lady makes me want to be a better person. Danielle has beaten breast cancer once and is now in her second battle. She and her family have traveled down some pretty challenging roads and all the while she praises God for his faithfulness and provisions. Happy 35th birthday Danielle, your friendship is a gift!
My scrapbook group. I'm not good at taking selfies |
You are invited to pray for Danielle's health and all that comes along with the journey of fighting cancer. I don't care if you pray for her daily or just today. If you read this post two years later, please still pray for Danielle and her family. God knows every detail!
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18 NIV
Aww, how awesome that you could all gather to celebrate this courageous woman! She is in my prayers.