Monday, October 3, 2016

Freshie at Fifteen

Birthday Breakfast
I don't see big smiles early in the morning all that often but on birthday morning she's a pretty happy kid. Birthdays are fabulous! Celebrating is what I do best. We have all our traditions: balloons on the bedroom floor the night before, donut or muffin for breakfast, lunch at school, favorite meal, extended family dinner and some kind of friend event. Prior to this year I have also made treats for school and soccer but that ended this year. It's a relief and yet I have to admit I missed making something creative to share.

Her Favs: Cherry Brownies & The Parents
I remember thinking when I was a kid that my birthday should be a major holiday, as in no school or activities as should the first day of the month. Not sure where that came from, maybe it was the celebration of January 1st that gave me that idea. When your birthday is on a Tuesday in September you still have to go to school, do homework and attend practice but it also means you get to eat cake late at night after. Reagan picked my mom's recipe of Cherry Brownies...they are pretty awesome!
What a Goofball!!

Undercover Decorators
Soccer fills many weekends in the fall which makes celebrating with friends pretty difficult. I found a crack in the schedule, made a few phone calls and voila, a surprise party had been created. We managed to distract Reags with Starbucks while the girls decorated her bedroom. This school year has been a tough start for Reagan. Leaving all her friends from middle school has certainly left her out in the cold a little but when she is with her soccer team she has a great crew around her. Hearing the laugher, snorts, jokes, punching, screams and pure joy from my girls and their friends fills my love tank.

Happy 15th Birthday Reagan. We are so blessed that God trusted us to be your parents. 
Our love for you will only continue to grow. Make it a great year!

We praise God because you are fearfully and wonderfully made; His works are wonderful, we know that full well. Reagan, you were fearfully and wonderfully made!
Psalms 139:14

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