Wednesday, November 23, 2016

This & That in October

Olivia is part of a city wide singing group called Sing Omaha. This is not an audition group however there is tuition and weekly rehearsals. Olivia says it's pretty "hard core" but she loves it.
Here is a small group of musicians singing the Star Spangled Banner at Werner Park. 

Emma's final fall choir concert. Here she is with the varsity choir. 
New director...New guidelines...New sound
She's loving choir her senior year!
I wish I could get more pictures but they exit the stage in their robes, hang them up and come out in their dress clothes. Watching Emma perform on stage nearly brings tears to my eyes.

State cup is an exciting time when Reagan gets to play against local teams and sometimes even good friends. Here she is with Alexa and Ashley right after a hard fought battle on the field. EGA played 5 games over 3 weekends and had only one goal scored against them. Reagan scored in 4 of 5 games and our team won the state title for the 3rd year in a row. #ThreePeat #Champions #NebraskasBest

Reagan with her best friend Emma. What kind of dorks request a picture of themselves holding hands on the field during the game? Oh my! Actually, these silly girls make me smile.

Chris and I participated in a pumpkin carving contest. We did not come in first or second place which only awarded bragging rights among friends but we were still very proud of our creation.
We utilized 2 pumpkins, toothpicks for the scary teeth and a bottle for the nose.

Pumpkin carving at home.

The only Halloween picture I took. What's wrong with me?
Reagan and friends were fruit. Olivia trick or treated with big sis Em and then joined a friend from another neighborhood. In her words, she was a masquerade. 

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