Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse Craziness

If you have turned on the news, looked at social media or picked up a newspaper (yes, they still exist) in the last month you know about the solar eclipse that is happening across the United States today. I remember the last one that took place in the midwest, it must have been 1979, I was in kindergarten. Abbey Grey's dad picked me up from school that day and since eclipse glasses did not exist then, we watched the eclipse in the car looking at her dad's cigarette wrapper.

There has been so much hype I guess I was expecting more. Omaha was in the 96% range which I guess 4% of the sun was enough to keep the sky pretty bright, possibly cloud cover didn't help. Emma was in Kearney in the 100% eclipse area and thought it was pretty cool. We'll see what Reagan and Olivia have to say after school. 

The next we will hear reviews of stupidity. Don't call this being a pessimist, just a realist. I can't even begin to imagine what people will do.

My picture below of the cripple making it outside for 10 minutes of eclipse happiness! 

Happy Monday!

Next post will be a surgery update.

1 comment:

  1. We were in the 63% range and I stayed inside and stitched! hahaha
    Glad you made it outside for some fresh air - bet it felt great to have a change of scenery.
