Wednesday, September 13, 2017

On The Move

It all started with a dream. Three nights ago in my sleep, I saw myself walking without crutches, a brace or pain. That was the beginning of my inspiration to get moving again. Unfortunately, my doctor is less progressive than my desires are.  Next week I see Dr Burt for my 6 week Post Op appointment and plan to be armed with solid research to back up my need for Physical therapy earlier than 3 months PO. And if I am wrong, I pray God shows me the door shut tight and that I listen.

Last night a switch was flipped and I decided to get moving. We are the second house on the block, my goal is to walk (with crutches) to the corner and back, 200 steps, at least 2 times a day. I don't have to climb a mountain to feel an accomplishment, I just have to start. At 8:30am I am already at 900+ steps for the day. To put that into perspective, in the last month I have been lucky to even get 1000 steps in 24 hours. This is good progress! I promise to listen to my body, God gave us pain so that we know it's time to rest. Going back to the OR is not an option.

Here are the key components to my recovery so far:
Rest . Ice . Hydration . Nutrition . Positive Attitude . Hard Work

I have been laying on the couch recuperating for nearly 5 weeks. I don't cook. I don't clean. I don't do laundry. I don't drive. And I just started working last week which can all be done with my laptop on the couch. Even the "rest" can feel like hard work, I don't want to do it.

Thank you Tracy Wimmer for the BREG Polar Cube. Twice daily we fill it with water and froze ice bottles. I am able to continuously ice my incision, ham, knee and whatever else ails me.

We keep my favorite cup filled with water all day long. Do you realize your muscles are about 70% water? When they become just 3-4% dehydrated the function is compromised. So by the time you "feel thirsty" you are already way beyond that 3-4%. Drink up!

Food is our friend. Food is our fuel. A body can be healed or destroyed by what we consume. I'm not overboard here as I have very little control over what people bring us for dinner. We are doing our best to eat well. On top of that I am consuming the same supplements that I gave Chris and Emma after their surgeries. Both healed quicker than expected. I would recommend anyone who is highly active or recovering from any injury to take Young Living's BLM and Sulfurzyme. Healthy bones, ligaments and muscles make the whole body happy! 

My mom always blamed a negative attitude on the chronic poor health both her mother and sister-in-law. Irony anyone? I chose to be happy and I chose to heal. What's the worst that can happen?
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." --JOHN 14:27

Today "hard work" consists of getting my right quadriceps to fire. As I get released to do more I will take on each challenge until I get back to where I was pre-injury. Maybe I will exceed PI status. There will be frustrations and mountains I don't want to climb so remind me to keep working hard. The prize of an active healthy life is well worth the sweat and tears.

Peace to each of you and remember to pray for each other.

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