We have been talking about, planning and waiting for this moment since she was a sophomore in high school. We actually started planning on that first college visit in early August 2016 before her first day of high school. So with that much thought this shouldn't have been a big deal. but of coarse it was. We were sending baby bird #2 out of the nest to make her way in the wild.
Literally, a college campus is "THE WILD."
Reagan spent every possible moment of Christmas break with her friends until they all had to go back to school on January 6th. At that point, she had to start packing. How was she going to wrap her brain around putting all of her belongings in to boxes and hauling them 45 minutes west on I-80 to a college dorm room? It wasn't just the packing, she was stuck on all the unknowns.
The roommate
The teammates
The campus
The expectations
The food
The study time
Was she good enough
Was she smart enough
Would she be lonely
I completely understood her concerns but I also knew she would be fine. Don't get me wrong, I was praying for God to show up in all those areas. Guess what? He did! So even though I had some concerns I knew it would all work out.
Remember when Emma moved to college I was stuck in an immobilizer on the couch for 6 weeks. I cried from the time they left the house until Chris got back home. So as hard as it is to scoot the baby birds out of the nest it is also exhilarating to see them move on in their journey. This process was a joy.
The process of packing is messy!
The process of unpacking is messy as well!
Saturday, January 11th we loaded up my Prius and Chris' Escape with all the things a college freshman needs in a dorm room and three of her family members. An hour later we were unloading boxes, bags, rugs, decorations and snacks with 4 of her new soccer teammates. Reagan's unknown roommate had never responded to her emails and DMs which left us curious about who she was and if she was even going to show up for the semester. The moment of truth was upon us as Reagan inserted the key card into the locked door. What would we find? We found a smelly dirty room. Dirty clothes in her drawers. Trash and food from last semester under Reagan's bed. A fridge covered in opened food packages. And dust bunnies the size of my Prius. It all makes me laugh now.
The girls may not be close friends but they will be fine for the next 4.5 months.
That day 4 strangers in Husker Soccer apparel carried boxes and gave us helpful tips. Kinzie, Riss, Carly and Alicia are now Reagan's people. That first night they went out for dinner and watched movies. The next morning they all went to church together. WOW! So many answered prayers!
In general, the soccer team has been overwhelmingly helpful. Each girl has touched Reagan's life in one way or another to help her transition into college life. Only 4 days into Reagan's college experience she told me, "mom, this is the best decision I have ever made!" Since that day, she has repeated that sentiment in various ways. It brings me such great joy to see my child so happy.
Classes are going well too. If it were up to Regs, she would just play soccer. HA!! Maybe one day that dream will become a reality.
Reagan, you are going to surprise yourself.
You are BRAVER than you believe
You are STRONGER than your seem
You are SMARTER than you think
and LOVED more than you know!
I am the one right behind you, cheering you on and if you slip along the way
I will also be the one helping you up. One last important message below
I think of this girl every single day... she's going to be awesome at college! I didn't realize I was so far behind on blog reading. I read Olivia's BD post today too. Time just rushes by...