Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Rona 2020

I know people are calling it Covid-19 but I'm working on not being a follower!

It's challenging to put into words what this world-wide pandemic means to me or has done to me or has done to us. I have mixed feelings about who is speaking truth. Furthermore, those who are in charge or making suggestions do they even know the full truth. 

Let go back two months. On the morning of Thursday, March 12th we were packed and ready to head south to Oklahoma and then on to Arkansas to watch Reagan play in her first D1 collegiate soccer game. A couple days earlier she had text me looking for encouragement, she was FULL of nerves. Her first time EVER taking the field in a Husker jersey and she would be facing the SEC 2019 champions. Nebraska was full of injuries and Reagan thought she would be playing the full 90 minutes. What a huge undertaking for our little freshman. While the excitement of Reagan's dreams coming true was on our minds, the Corona virus had penetrated US boundaries. What was once something infecting thousands in China had become a threat to the entire world. 

Thursday 3/12 Morning: could we take Olivia's friend with us or would they let only family attend college games
Thursday: Our local school district cancelled school Friday and the following 2 weeks and then all classes would move to eLearning
Thursday Noon: SEC cancelled the game 
Thursday Afternoon: NCAA cancelled all college sports through the rest of the school year

From there on things would change daily or hourly. Stores closing. Social Distancing. Stay home mandates. It became the norm to have things taken away without discussion, it just happened. But when I look back to that Thursday morning, I can't believe the incredible amount of change in just 8 hours.

All 3 of my children are (we’re) doing on-line schooling. Chris is (was) teaching online. Nobody really likes it and I doubt that there is a lot of learning happening. This isn't a cliche, I am praying for school (the kind they physically attend) to start up on time in August.

What am I doing? Oddly enough I started out this time of quarantine/stay-at-home, leaving the house everyday to work in the office. My co-worker was quarantined due to a sick child so I became a 45 hour per week employee. Let me say "thank you Lord for a job" when so many are now on unemployment but those hours kicked my butt! 

I am not scared of the Rona but I do fear what the cure is doing to our country. Ten million plus people went on unemployment in the matter of one week, I have no idea what those numbers are now. Calls to the suicide hotline are 600 percent above normal. People are missing important events. Surgeries are shut down. My friend's mom is suddenly dying in the hospital and they are unable to go say good-bye. The stock market has plummeted. Neighbors are calling in to report gatherings of people, even children in a park. We need to get the world open again. Nebraska shut down early and doesn't have the enormous population of New York or California so we don't have the same problems they have.

Oh come Jesus, bring a revolution to this hurting world. I pray for families to reunite, the more simplistic life to be sought and lives to be redeemed in Christ Jesus. 

Here are a few pictures from the last coupe of months.

Moving Reagan home but
thinking it was temporary

Quick trip to see Emma

Churches Closed
Online church

This is how we hang out
with friends . . . ZOOM

Lots of Family Time
What families do now...
eat together
play games
take walks
watch movies
***maybe God is rebuilding the family***

Keeping our immune systems strong

Almost seems like TRUTH

Reagan's Husker meetings

Omaha gets 8" of snow on April 16th...that's weird!
This is what eLearning looks like

Easter with Nana & Papa
Flowers from a friend after oral surgery

Planting all my outdoor pots

Mother's Day was complete, all 3 girls were home.

Nebraska is slowly opening back up. I finally got a hair cut and we have gone out to a restaurant a couple times. Lots and lots of people wear masks, for the most part, I don’t. I’m concerned about the mental health of so many, including myself. This is hard but God is good. My bible verse today was Matthew 6:25. The first line says, “Therefore do not worry about your life...” Yes, this message is one I need daily.

I am sorry for anyone who has had a run in with the rona.  I hear it’s really bad for a few people. I am certain Reagan had it in December right before going to college. She was awfully ill but recovered like a champ. I’m praying for healing of body, spirit and mind. Lord, may we look to you and trust in your ways.

Be well & Be a blessing!

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