Thursday, July 23, 2020

A Different Graduation: Covid Style

We knew all along that Reagan's graduation experience would be different than the traditional student’s journey to a diploma but this year took a curve that no one expected. 

Reagan left for college in January 2020, the pictures that follow are from May and June of 2020. By then time everything was said and done, Regs felt like she experienced graduation and was ready to close that chapter. Millard did end up providing a ceremony in late July, we opted out. 

Grace, Molly, Reagan and Katie have spent the last 4 years together playing soccer, hanging with “gang”, laughing, swimming, party planning and who knows what else. They will always remember their good times as a Wildcat. 

Virtual Graduation 

Diploma, Suma Cum Laude medal and Stare Medal
Senior Parade which ended up being a HUGE success!
All Grads were to wear their gowns so our girls wore swimsuits underneath. 
 The Gang

This last picture is one of those fun and silly things they do in high school. I remember voting on superlatives back in my day. One day when I have nothing better to do I should dig out my senior book and read the results. Anyway, Reagan and Max are both attending Nebraska to play their respective sports, baseball and soccer. I hope these Wildcats turned Huskers do reach their ultimate dreams of playing At the professional level. 

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