Friday, August 14, 2020

Two Down, One To Go!


It's official, our baby girl is done with middle school and hitting the halls of our local high school. I snapped this picture right after a brief orientation, yes we had masks on inside the school. By the time we took another 150 steps, I slid into the driver's seat of my Prius and looked at Liv. My expression must have been one of those weird mom looks, she asked, "what's wrong with you, mom?" Anyone who has sent a child to high school knows those four years fly by. All I could see was this young teen heading off to college when in reality she was ready to start her first day of high school. Oh Liv, I am excited for you to experience show choir, meeting new friends, German, high school dances, sports and activities.

Schools across the nation are investigating all kinds of bizarre schedules in the name of keeping kids, staff and faculty safe. Some schools have sports, some don't. Dances, show choir and all things fun have been cancelled or postponed. It's going to be an interesting year.
Online . Hybrid . Traditional
Strangely enough there are actually some school districts sending students and teachers back to school full time. Full time with masks, social distancing and constantly bathing in hand sanitizer. So crazy!

ANYWAY here is Liv's schedule...
Week 1: one day, 25% of students go each day
Week 2: two days at school and 3 days online
Week 3: two days online and 3 days at school
Week 4: it's a surprise, hoping for 100% in school.

I am thankful we do not have several young children going to school, this would be a nightmare. So for now, I'm praying for the best learning and health for everyone.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those years with the last one fly by in a flash. Enjoy each moment!
