Monday, November 23, 2020

My Dad: My Hero

This guy.

My first hero. 

My first role model. 

The one who loved me unconditionally. 

The one who gave me away but never left me. 

And then November 11, 2020 my heart broke. 

I would like to have something profound to say but I don’t. Oh my gosh, this hurts!!! I thought watching dad slowly fade away over the years would prepare me for his death. 


Everyone says, “I bet it gives you comfort that he’s in a better place now.”


I miss dad more now than ever. Covid took the last ten months away from us, we were not allowed to see him, touch him, reassure him. I’m mad. I’m hurt. I’m sick of Covid and all the ridiculous crap that comes with it! 

Even in my anger I keep looking for the silver lining. Mom was with dad 3 of his last 4 days and I got to spend 2 days with dad in the hospital. Surprisingly, Emma and Reagan both had the opportunity to say goodbye to their Opa. (Admittedly I had to be pretty forceful at the hospital. Those nurses may have a special name for me) Thank you Lord for going before us to make that happen! 

I know Dad slipped out of this world and landed in the arms of Jesus, his personal Savior. Without that knowledge the devastation would be nearly unbearable but right now I selfishly miss my dad. 

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