Monday, April 30, 2012

Tooth Fairy

The day my little one has been waiting on.  After months of a loose tooth and then at least a week of seeing that thing barely hanging in is OUT!!  I love seeing the proud moment of the first tooth coming out.  It's another sign of growing up.  Do they really have to grow up?

We loosely promote the tooth fairy in our home.  In typical Raabe fashion, the tooth fairy brings 2 quarters not $5 or worse yet $20.  (what is wrong with parents these days?)  It's a fun little fictional story that is not emphasized but we do let our girls tell us if they think it is real or not.  Their rationalizations are fun to hear and certainly note worthy for the baby book.  I grew up putting my teeth in the pocket of a little pink pillow that Aunt Delma made for me.  I think my brothers just put theirs under the pillow.  However, in Chris' family they put the fallen tooth in a glass of water on the kitchen counter.  In both cases the child would find coins the following morning.  In our home we do the tooth in a cup of water...that is so much easier!!  Do you remember the movie a few years ago staring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson playing the part of the Tooth Fairy? It kind of shook up the image of the sweet dainty magical fairy, it still makes me smile thinking about a rough hockey player becoming the tooth fairy.  Whether you support or reject the idea of letting children believe for a time in this fictional character, we can agree or disagree and still both go to heaven.

I would love to hear about your traditions as you grew up and what you did/do with your children.

Giving a shout out to my cousin Erika and hubby, Fritz.....congrats on your new baby girl.  She was the exact size of my first.  8lbs 4oz and 21in.  Their lives are forever changed and for the better I do believe.  Praying for sleep and strength in their home.

1 comment:

  1. We did the tooth fairy. I stitched a tooth fairy pillow and all four kids used it for their lost teeth. We paid 50 cents for regular teeth and $1 for molars. Katie has already asked me to stitch a tooth fairy pillow for her kids.
