Sunday, May 6, 2012


 Is there anything cuter than a little girl with her daddy right before they take the field for the very first time?
The Dragonflies are coached by the head varsity and asst varsity softball coaches at Millard South High School.  Steve and Chris have equated coaching 4-6 year old girls is much like "herding cats!"
 The original plan was to have 3 practices then the games would begin.
Living in Nebraska it is ridiculous to schedule an outdoor event for 3 weekends in a row and think all 3 days the weather will cooperate.  With two rainouts, we got one practice in then Friday we started games.

In this recreational league all the kids play defense at one time and everyone bats each inning.  (Don't worry, it's a two inning game.)  No one gets out and everyone runs all the way around the bases eventually (only one base at a time, unless you are the last batter).
At the end of the game the girls asked, "Did we win?"  Coach Chris answered, "We didn't lose!" They all cheered. On the way to the van Liv said, "I can't believe we had only one practice and we were still that awesome!"  Love it!
 She's ready to catch a ball but I don't think she ever did.
At this age, they hit off the "T"  Great job girl!  After hitting the ball she even knew which way to run.  I highlight that because there were a few girls that headed straight for the pitchers mound.

Liv's two big sisters were assistant coaches.  My official job is to take pictures, bring snacks and cheer on the team.  What a great day at the ballpark!

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