Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thankful for Days 14-20

DAY 14: I am THANKFUL for WiFi at the orthodontist office so I can work while waiting on kiddos.

DAY 15: I am so THANKFUL!! What more can I say...love pedicures.

DAY 16: I am THANKFUL for my friends who listen to me, support me and even call me out when needed. This was the evening I had a friend date with Susan Snyder...PF Changs, 007 movie and then a stop at the Cheesecake Factory. However, she isn't the only friend I have who I can trust. You know who you are, thank you!

DAY 17: I am THANKFUL for tickets to watch Husker Football in Memorial Stadium on a beautiful fall day in November with my handsome hubby!

DAY 18: I am THANKFUL for quiet time with God. My day runs so much better when I put God first instead of my own agenda.

DAY 19: I am THANKFUL for grace. Chris and I have trudged through some very difficult months recently. Because God has freely given grace when we didn't deserve it, we have learned that we also need to extend grace to others. Our marriage is back on track but only by the grace of God.

DAY 20: I am THANKFUL for the support of our family and friends. Launching a second book when the first one is causing us so much grief takes guts.  However so many people have encouraged us to press on. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our street release of On The Run: The Phenomeneon Trilogy and those of you who were there in spirit.

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