Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanks Thank you Thankful

Day 21: I am THANKFUL for a beautiful relaxed day of travel with my family. Thank you MPS for a day off of school.
This year our school district changed a few things on the school calendar. One of them was giving the teachers and students the day before Thanksgiving off. Typically the week of conferences teachers get Friday off to compensate for all the long days and nights they put in. This year they taught on Friday but got November 21st off. That was a hard week for my hubby but we really enjoyed having an extra long Thanksgiving break.

DAY 22: I am THANKFUL for my niece being born this day 17 yrs ago and great friends to be with on this holiday. Happy Thanksgiving
It blows me away that my beautiful niece is getting so old so fast. Soon she will be out on her own going to college and her parents will wonder where the years went. I wonder if we can talk her into coming to school in Nebraska. Ha, I'm sure my brother would FREAK if she even mentioned it. Now KU would be a strong possibility.

Thanksgiving day we changed things up a bit. Instead of hanging out with the Raabe/Heller clan in town we drove down to Topeka, KS to see our friends the Kesslers. The weather was perfect and our girls had a fantastic time with their girls. 
Outside in the beautiful weather with the bows and arrows.

DAY 23: I am THANKFUL for family movie time.
My favorite Christmas movies are Christmas Vacation and It's a Wonderful Life. One is a little more wholesome than the other.

DAY 25: I am THANKFUL for friends who "pop-in" for a visit.
Stopping in to visit friends is a lost art. I love "popping-in" as well as being "popped-in" on. You are all welcome to stop my any time.

Holy's snowing! 
DAY 26: I am THANKFUL for the changing if seasons but if I'm honest, not snow and cold.
The snow came quickly and disappeared just as quickly...PRAISE THE LORD! Since then we have gotten back to some very nice weather.

DAY 27: I am THANKFUL for our CCC journey group. Love you guys!
Chris and I have been a part of a small group/couples bible study/journey group/life group for the last 14-15 years. We have met some our closest friends in those groups. Spiritual growth can be difficult and even stagnant at times. It is important to have people in your life who will hold you accountable and still love you through the highs and lows of life.

DAY 28: Hmm, missed this day. Surely I was grateful for something...
How about having the time to volunteer at the girls' schools. Today I was at both the elementary and middle schools.

DAY 29: I am THANKFUL for online coupons. I get such a thrill out of saving money.
Today I walked into Hobby Lobby armed with my iPhone, pulled up my 40% off coupon and walked out with a great deal. Tonight Chris and I ate out and had our coupon right there with us.  Love it!

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