Sunday, April 29, 2012

David Crowder

...was not at our church today but we did have David Potter back for a wonderful church service filled with music. "Rock the Temple"  Loved it!  David Potter left Christ Community Church about 18 months ago to pursue seminary in St Louis, Mo.  What a blessing it was to be lead by David again.

There was a line in a song today that spoke to me.

"I lay no claim to this blood bought life."

What a powerful reminder that it has nothing to do with my "greatness" it's all about the shed blood of Jesus.  What I do here on earth is nothing compared to the life of the perfect lamb that was slain at my expense.  Thank you Jesus!

I pray that you experience the peace of our loving Father.  God gave all he had to save us from our sin. 

**************BOOK UPDATE***************
I wish I had more to tell you...soon my friends.  But what I can tell you is this, I finally read all of book #2.  It is good.  OK, it is really good!!  There are some new characters introduced that you will enjoy getting to know. The book brought me to tears a few times, I laughed and even felt uncomfortable in a few situations.  The author received a suggestion from me that he did not readily accept.  Speaking as a mom, I wanted some stuff taken out of that book, we'll see what happens.  :)  I can't wait to hear your responses. 

Chris has been revising (FINALLY) and got through to the final page last night.  Revising book #2 is a little different than the first.  Chris has noticed he did a better job writing this time around. We are still hoping for an October release.  More news later as it becomes official.

Blessings to you all this week.

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