Stacks of boxes, stacks of clothing, stacks of who knows what all over the house. Who can live like this? I am so ready to get moved and one day settle into a new home of our own. Why does that all feel so far away right now?

Look what has become of my scrapbook room!!! It's just not right!!!

Now, where the heck am I going to put all this...what about all the hair bows????

Empty cabinets and boxes in the middle of the kitchen floor have pushed us right out of the door at meal time. We gotta eat out. Ok, so that's not all bad!

A happy side note.....just read that one of Chris' previous softball players, Heidi, is the Big 12 Player of the Week. We are so proud of you!! Love you H20...oh i mean H2! :)

Hopefully you can get un-boxed soon! I feel your pain girl! But make sure you take time to relax too - moving is quite the chore!
Thanks, You are right.
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