Here FIL and Hubby are taking down the cedar beams from the family room ceiling. I tried to paint them. YUCK! Notice I said "TRIED" it was ugly. The room is much bigger without those beams up. Notice the dark/wet looking spots on the ceiling between Dean and Chris. It gives a location for the next picture.

Yep, that's a big old hole in th ceiling of our family room. It's a long story but the inspector missed a leaky toilet and now we have a hole in the ceiling and a rotten floor in the bathroom which explains the next picture. I'm sure it'll all work out but we really don't need one more thing to pay for or be stressed over.

This is the bathroom floor upstairs. Chris took off the toilet and 3 layers of flooring to find rotten subflooring. UGH! The boss of the inspector was suppose to come by today but didn't. The carpet in the family room doesn't go in until Monday. Hope it's all taken care of by then.
You will get it all done! Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
oh boy...looks so stressful!! Hang in there, you will be enjoying your new home before you know it!!
Sorry you're having such troubles! Hang in there Mel! It's a good thing your dh is so handy!
That really stinks that the inspector missed that! Hopefully things can get worked out quickly & you don't run in to any more troubles.
Oh no! How terrible!!! Hope you can fix this soon! (((hugs)))
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