Thursday, June 13, 2024

Smiles and HairBows

Spending time with our baby girl is the best!

I’m going to say that again, spending time with our baby girl is the best!! 

I have both the joy of helping with childcare and the privilege of spending time with this precious grandchild on Tuesdays and Fridays. Emma went back to work in late January and my hours were suppose to be 8:30am - 5pm. There has been only one day that I have stayed past noon. Ha. Cracks me up! Emma has a fantastic boss who is so understanding and accommodating. Honestly, Em doesn’t mind going home early one bit, she would love to be a stay at home mom. 

So many people told me that being a grandma is better than words can express. They were 100% accurate! Seeing the smile of little Willow when I walk in the door makes everything in the world ok.

Here are a few updates…

-Little Will is 7 1/2 mos old and just broke through her first tooth, bottom left 

-Little Will has started eating solids, she loves carrots and fruits. This week she showed me how much has despises peas and green beans. 

-Little Will is constantly on the go, seems like she is ready to walk but not willing to even try to crawl

-Little Will loves her momma most of all and of course her daddy too but now when she sees Mimi she reaches out. That makes me feel so good 

-Little Will loves her dog, Molly Moo  Yesterday Molly was ignoring her and baby girl was not ok with that! I couldn’t help but crack up watching her make noises at Molly and tap her back while she was sleeping. Molly isn’t totally sold on this little human in her house but she also comes to her rescue when mama puts her in the bathtub  

-Little Will is nosy, she always has to know who is talking, where Molly Moo is and what’s going on


Sweet snuggle time

This girl loves carrots

Mothers Day in Aunt Holly’s 40 year old outfit 

May - Graduation Kisses

Helping Mimi work

It’s a great day when she doesn’t cry at Pops

June - This girl has some attitude! 

June- mimi’s office

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

28 and Counting

This year we celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary!
Here are some pictures over the last 30th years

I am so thankful that we chose each other. It hasn’t always been easy but it’s been well worth it. I love you Chris! 

College 1994

Kansas 1996

San Diego 1997

Phoenix 1998

New Home Arizona 1999

Yankton SD 2003

 Around 2006

Grand Island NE 2008

Ugly sweater run Omaha 2012

Book Tour 2013 or 2014

Christmas 2015


Grand Canyon 2014

Napa Valley 2016


Emma’s Wedding 2021

25th Anniversary Mexico 2021

Husker soccer Lincoln 2022

Gun Range Omaha 2023

New Grandparents 2023

Denver Broncos NYE 2023