Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Oh fall how I love thee but as Thanksgiving arrives I am ready to turn the page from fall decor to the lights, ribbons, bulbs, greenery and outdated ornaments. Outdated ornaments...that's another subject all together. My girls love to bring up my ugly rubber chicken ornaments. 

Nothing makes my heart swell like having my family all together. Tree decorating didn't take place until Emma (and Joe) came home the Wednesday before thanksgiving. I keep forgetting, year after year to buy a new start for the top of the tree. Again this year I have a santa hat up there. Disappointing, I know. :)

Thanksgiving day Reagan flew out to California with her club soccer team for a pointless tournament. They did well but we missed having our girl with us. The rest of the family spent the day at Helen and Lynn's again this year. Due to a snow storm Angie and John missed the big meal. We didn't get to see Stephen and Holly either, as he has been battling cancer. It's been rough, chemo is a butt kicker! We look forward to seeing everyone at Christmas.

This time of year I start seeing "What are you thankful for" posts on social media. A couple years ago I started a gratitude journal which has been great. I don't want to be thankful one month a year. Even in the hard times, there is something to be thankful for. Writing these things out turns my frown upside down. I am thankful for dinner and decorating with all my kids!

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