Saturday, December 7, 2019

14 and Lovin' It

8th grade

Oh Livy! Aren't you still a toddler? I have no idea where the years have gone but in a blink of an eye you have grown into a lovely, talented young lady. Oh the JOY you have bring to this family. We love you and celebrate you!

Liv's birthday fell on a Wednesday night which is the night she babysits for our bible study. She didn't mind hanging out with a bunch of wild kiddos because she knew Michael was making her a birthday cake. Look at that 4 layer cake of chocolate cake, chocolate frosting, oreo cookies and fudge. That's pretty much the definition of heaven to this girl. :) 

cake with Kaitlin & Grace
We have hit that stage of life where gifts are no longer a surprise. With that said, she was still very excited to have a new outfit, blanket, stocking cap and GC.

I forgot to take a picture the night we had a family dinner. Emma came home (brought Joe) and the Raabe grandparents joined us too.

Happy 14th year of life sweet girl!

Friend Birthday Party yet to come. This girl had so many concerts, musical rehearsals and musical performances we couldn't get a party on the calendar. It will happen...soon. 

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